Nollywood actor, Olarenwaju James, popularly known as Baba Ijesha, is currently mourning the loss of his father, James Akin Omiyinka, who passed away at the age of 95. Yomi Fabiyi, a friend and colleague of the actor, broke the news of the elder Omiyinka’s passing via an Instagram post on Saturday, May 13, 2023, praizemedia report.
In his post, Yomi offered his condolences to Baba Ijesha and his family and prayed that the spirit of the deceased will not leave his son. He also expressed his hope that the actor’s father lived a good life and had made his peace with his maker.
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Furthermore, Yomi prayed for those who had caused Baba Ijesha misfortune, a reference to the recent scandal the actor was embroiled in. It is unclear if the incident had any bearing on his father’s passing, but Baba Ijesha and his family will undoubtedly appreciate the support and well-wishes during this difficult time.
Furthermore, Yomi prayed for those who had caused Baba Ijesha misfortune, a reference to the recent scandal the actor was embroiled in. It is unclear if the incident had any bearing on his father’s passing, but Baba Ijesha and his family will undoubtedly appreciate the support and well-wishes during this difficult time.
Recall that the court in July 2022 sentenced the actor to jail over the sexual assault of a minor.
Yomi wrote: “Accept my condolences BABA IJESHA on the death of your father. May the spirit of your father never depart you, he will fight for you someday. Baba lived a good life.
“I pray for the souls of all those who “AMBUSHED YOU INTO THIS MISFORTUNE”, used your profession to lure you into acting with an opposite sex they invariably gave “football age” so you can be sent to prison.
“The 14years they never prove by means of a Birth certificate, mother’s testimony or medical test.
“They engaged so many lies, harbored and set loose the real peadophiles who sexed the victim for long(Damola Adekola and security with alias Okele) for reasons best known to them and the authorities, they denied the court the original file of the cctv to ascertain the full truth etc.
“We will continue to pray with you and hope someday the integrity of the judiciary will be restored in this matter. Take heart senior man”
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